第20回 副詞の話

As the shaft is rotated, the axial fuel passage A in the shaft is successively brought into communication with the fuel passage B to E formed in the control cylinder; i.e., the fuel passage A is communicated first with the fuel passage B through the distribution slit b, then with the fuel passage C through the distribution slit c, then with the fuel passage D through the distribution slit d and lastly with the fuel passage E through the distribution slit e.
なお、firstと似たものにはfirstly「第一に」、at first「最初は」、initially「当初」、for the first time「始めて」、in the first place「まず第一に」、at the beginning「始めに」、in the beginning「手始めに」、thenと似たものにはnext「次に」、thereafter「その後」、lastlyと似たものにはfinally「最後に」、at last「最後には」、ultimately「最終的に」、eventually「最終的に」、for the last time「それを最後として」、at the end「遂に」、in the end「とうとう」、in the long run「結局は」などがありますが、それぞれ様々なニュアンスを持つので、文脈をよく理解した上で適切に訳す必要があります。
simplyは、もちろん例文3Aのようにsimpleの副詞形として「簡単に」の意味で使われることもありますが、主にmerelyと同じく「単に」の意味で使われます。by ~ingの前につく場合は必ずそうです。このことを知らない人が時々います。
This guide was created for people who use, specify, design with, or simply have an interest in the group of substances commonly referred to as "plastics".
In actual testing conducted on a polycarbonate resin, this author was able to produce impact strengths that varied from 2 ft-lbs to 16 ft-lbs, simply by changing the cutter speed on the notcher from approximately 1000 rpm's to 250 rpm's.
「ポリカーボネート樹脂について行った実際の試験で、筆者は、単にノッチャのカッタ速度を1000 rpmから250 rpmに変更するだけで、2 フィート・ポンドから16フィート・ポンドの衝撃強さを生み出すことができた。」
But many details in structure and exceptional cases can thus also be simply explained.
also, only, particularlyなど焦点化副詞と呼ばれる一群の副詞は、主語と動詞の間に来たとき、主語や動詞はもちろんのこと目的語や副詞句などあらゆる文要素を修飾することができます。口語では修飾される語句にアクセントがつきます。文章語でそのうちよく出てきて間違われやすいのは、alsoが主語にかかるか、目的語にかかるかです。位置からは判断できないので、この位置にalsoがでてきた場合は、内容をよく理解してどれにかかるのか判断する必要があります。
One substrate is optically transmissive and has an electrically conductive coating on one face. The other substrate also has an electrically conductive coating on one face.
The invention is also directed to a liquid-crystal cell for carrying out the method aforesaid.
It is also likely that such highly reactive metals undergo a chemical reaction with the nearby organic materials which also could have negative effects on device performance.
Documents cited in the international search report need only be cited in the report when they are considered by the International Preliminary Examining Authority to be relevant.
again は、「再度、再び、もう一度」の他に、「やはり、この場合も」の意味で使われることがよくあります。文頭に来た場合はmoreoverと同じく「さらに」と訳すべきこともあります。
These fragments were ligated into the EcoR I-cut and phosphatase-treated pARA (which could not be ligated to the circular form without an insert, because of the removal of the 5'-phosphates), again using T4 DNA ligase.
「これらの断片を、やはりT4 DNAリガーゼを使って、(5’ リン酸基が除去されているためにインサートなしでは円形に連結できなかった)EcoR Iカットおよびフォスファターゼで処理したpARAに連結させた。」
The transfer efficiency from the anode to the cathode is again less than 10 percent.
Moreover, the several above-named domesticated breeds have been transported to all parts of the world, and, therefore, some of them must have been carried back again into their native country; but not one has ever become wild or feral, though the dovecot-pigeon has become feral in several places. Again, all recent experience shows that it is most difficult to get any wild animal to breed freely under domestication;
The Southern Slav zadruga provides the best instance of such a family community still in actual existence.
The children of my mother's sisters are still her children, just as the children of my father's brothers are also his children;
This causes the higher melting composition to solubilize and form a third, still lower melting temperature solder composition.
even「さえも、すら」は普通は意味ははっきりしていますが、and evenと続くときは訳しにくいものです。evenを「さらには」と訳すとうまくいきます。その他、「しかも」という意味になるときもあります。
The platinel silicide produced by the present invention should be suitable for use in practically all integrated circuits and even in discrete devices.
The scrambling and descrambling techniques utilize a "key" which is changed on a regular basis and is sent only to paid subscribers, and even this "key" is sent in a different encrypted form to each subscriber so that delinquent subscribers cannot learn the current key from others.
The watermark circuit inserts a secret watermark in the data compressed by means of the compression circuits, here a compressed image.
On the other hand, the phase of these side bands is correlated directly to the rotation of the sample so that it is absolutely necessary here that the modulation signal for compensating the side bands must be synchronous in phase to the rotation of the sample.
The net effect here is little change in the average hydropathic character of the non-coding strand amino acids.
It is also a merit of McLennan that he recognized matrilineal descent as the earlier system, though he was here anticipated by Bachofen, as he later acknowledged.
nowは"今(現時点で)"の他、"そのとき(その時点で)"を指すこともあります。また、 "今や" "今度は""今から"など様々なニュアンスで使われます。訳語としては「現在」「このとき」「今回」「ここで」「次に」など状況にあったものを選んでください。
Farms were consolidated, and arable converted into pasture; in consequence, where two hundred men had lived there were now only two or three herdsmen.
On the other hand, the Colonies were now our chief markets, and a third of our exports went there. In 1770 America took three-fourths of all the manufactures of Manchester.
This application is a division of copending application Ser. No. 113,948 filed Feb. 9, 1971, now abandoned.
But the children of my mother's brothers are now her nephews and nieces, the children of my father's sisters are his nephews and nieces, and they are all my male and female cousins
We shall now describe the parts contained within the lower frame of probe body.
Reference is now made to Figures 1 through 12 to illustrate the embodiments of the invention.
The watermarking circuit can be used in a device distinct from the compression device, the two devices then having interfaces for communicating together.
thus は、接続副詞としてよく使われ、「したがって」と訳します。“こうして”ではありません。
Thus, since the two requirements are in contrast with each other, a trial and error approach is used to determine the best value to use to best satisfy both criteria.
Among very many Indian tribes with more than five or six gentes, we find every three, four, or more gentes united in a special group. Thus the Senecas have two phratries: the first comprises gentes 1 to 4, the second gentes 5 to 8.
Each antenna set has its own zone of major influence for transmitting and receiving signals. Thus, the antenna set 13 at the master sub-site 14 has a zone indicated by the dotted line 13z. Similarly, the antenna set 15 at the slave sub-site 16 has a zone of influence designated by the dotted line 15z and the antenna set 17 at the slave sub-site 18 has a zone of influence designated by the dotted line 17z.
In a further mode of operation, the first and second actuators 35 and 37 are operated to swing the first link 12 and fixed pulley 24 about first pivot axis 28 at the same rotational velocity. This swings the entire arm around the first pivot axis, without moving the end effector radially. The two modes of operation may be combined. Thus, the actuators can turn the fixed pulley and the first link simultaneously at different velocities.
However, these clones no longer produce surface antigen despite the amplification of HBV sequences in the MTX resistant clones. Thus, the HBV gene is amplified, though expression falls off in this case. This suggests that further production of surface antigen may be lethal to the cell.
As communication devices become smaller, it desirable to consolidate circuitry to reduce the total number of parts, thus permitting a dual mode transceiver to fit in the same volume as a single band transceiver.
An image is acquired for each of the different angles of incidence. The images thus obtained can be treated, notably, by algorithms of the type used in computerized axial tomography to make a volume reconstruction of a system of arteries and veins.