翻訳の泉 翻訳に役立つ情報や翻訳の知識

第22回 補助動詞の話



まず、enable, permit, allow など「〜することを可能にする」という意味を表す語があります。enable はそのものズバリです。次例のようにそのまま訳してもよいのですが、第2回の受身の話の所でお話ししたように、それでは不自然な場合は、受身にして「〜によって、〜することが可能になる」などとするのが普通です。また、"可能"の代わりに"できる"を使ってもかまいませんが、その場合は、原文と意味がずれないよう注意が必要です。


Bilateral exercises and training will be enhanced in order not only to validate such bilateral work but also to enable smooth and effective responses by public and private entities of both countries, starting with U. S. Forces and the Self-Defense Forces.


The primary aim of this rear area support is to enable U. S. Forces to use facilities and conduct operations in an effective manner.


This procedure enables the values of capacitors 18 and 20 always to be changed in the correct direction in the determination of the trajectory.

enable はコンピュータなどで通常の他動詞として「使用可能にする」「動作可能にする」「割込み可能にする」などの意味で使われます。「イネーブルする」と音訳すこともあります。反対語は disable 「ディスエーブル」です。

permit は「許可する」「許す」が本義ですが、技術文などでは enable と同様に用いられます。


in crisis situations, the two governments will evacuate their respective nationals to safe haven, as circumstances permit.
while each government is responsible for evacuating its own nationals, as well as for dealing with the authorities of the affected area, upon the other's request each government may inform the other of requirements and capabilities where appropriate.


A SOLUTION of 218 g of sodium hydroxide in 1960 g of water and 1000 g of 95 % alcohol are introduced into a 5500-cc bottle which is loosely covered with a perforated disk of cardboard, supplied with an effective stirrer, and supported in a larger vessel so as to permit cooling with cracked ice.
水酸化ナトリウム 218 g を水 1960 g に溶かした溶液と 95% アルコール 1000 g を 5500 cc のビンに入れ、これを穴をあけた厚紙で軽く蓋をし、効果的な撹拌装置を付け、砕いた氷で冷却できるように大きな容器内で支持する。

allow は permit と同じ意味でも使われますが、放任使役、つまり"〜するままにさせておく"という意味が本義です。この場合「させる」と訳すこともできます。やはり技術文などでは enable と同様に使われます。

allowed U.S.Patent Application No. 08/542,974




In 1869 a French scientist, accidentally allowed a few of these (gypsy) moths to escape from his laboratory in Medford, Massachusetts, where he was attempting to cross them with silkworms.


We allow the chemical death rain to fall as though there were no alternative, whereas in fact there are many, and our ingenuity could soon discover many more.


But what happens in nature is not allowed to happen in the modern, chemical-drenched world, where spraying destroys not only the insects but their principal enemy, the birds


Adding PTFE to polycarbonate, for example, allows it to be used in plastic gears to take advantage of its dimensional stability and ability to be molded to close tolerances.

これらの動詞は不定詞ではなく動詞の名詞形を目的語に取ることもできます。allow の場合は目的語の前に for を置きます。一般の辞書には allow for は「考慮する、余裕をみておく、準備する」などの意味しか出ていませんが、「を可能にする」という意味もあるわけです。


The molecule (Polyacrylamide) is composed of repeating -CH2-CH(CONH2)- units. The amide groups allow for linking between polymer strands. The -CONH2 group from one molecule can react with the same group of another molecule, forming a link between them with the structure -CONHCO-.


The plant has been designed to test a large number of combinations of technologies, from the photovoltaic cells themselves to purification of the final products, to allow for future upgrades.


One of its inputs is enabled by the pulses D or E and the other input is enabled by the pulse train K1-32 which is delayed a second time period from the pulse applied to the gate circuit.

この他、ものではなくことを目的とする場合の provide 「もたらす、実現する」、ensure 「確実に〜する」なども、ニュアンスこそ違え、概念的には enable とよく似ています。つまり入れ替えても文意は余り変わりません。特に前者は必要なら「可能にする」と訳すこともできます。provide は名詞形を受けるときは allow と同様に provide for の形になります。 また provision is made for〜の形を取ることもあります。(例文20参照)


The boiler is made fast at one end, and provision is made for its expansion when heated.


Some provision became at once necessary for preventing the filling of the condenser with water.


必要を表す語には require, necessitate, need などがあります。直訳すると「を必要とする」ですが、必要なら受身にして「〜することが必要である」「〜する必要がある」と訳します。形容詞 necessary 「〜が必要である」も、一緒にここで扱っておきます。

これらの語について注意すべきことが2点あります。第一に、to 不定詞を伴う場合に、「〜することが必要」なのか、それとも「〜するために必要」なのかを正しく判断しなければなりません。形の上ではどちらとも取り得る場合もあります。


It is not necessary to write a lower level program in order to compromise abstraction and portability.

この it は to 以下を指しますが、そうでない it も当然あります。つぎの例の it は前の文全体を指します。


All of the illustrated circuitry, except possibly the external memory and the system control, may be included in a single integrated circuit, although it is not necessary to practice the invention.


There are situations where programmers need to use knowledge of the underlying computer system in order to optimize programs written in high level languages.


Interconnect structures are needed to establish electrical connections between the silicon surface, the body, bottom gate, and bulk device elements.

受動形の need の場合は、to 以下は目的を表します。


Ragweed is an annual; its seedlings require open soil to become established each year.


Glass is required to eliminate boron from the Ni film.



A guidance with such a high accuracy is necessary because, for minimizing hemotoxic damage and for avoiding hydraulic losses in efficiency, the gap between the blades of the impeller and the pump housing should not exceed a tenth of a millimeter.


第二に、request 「要求する」との区別をはっきりさせなければなりません。"必要"は状況(の判断)ですが、"要求"は、〜せよと相手方に求める行為です。require は普通は「必要とする」ですが、ときに request の意味で使われることがあります。ただし、要求と解釈しないと意味が通らない場合以外は、必要を表すと考えるべきです。


The Commissioner may require the payment of a surcharge as a condition of accepting within such 6-month grace period the late payment of the applicable maintenance fee.


Another alternative for updating the capability list token on the user's desktop is to require the user to take the initiative to review updates to the capability list since its last logon.


使役を表す動詞には make, cause, force, compel, induce などがあります。なお、make 以外の動詞は不定詞の前に to を取り、make の場合も受動形になると to を取ります。もちろんこれらの動詞も make 以外は名詞形を受けることができます。


The purpose is usually to promote recreational uses, even though the water must then be treated at some expense to make it fit for its intended use as drinking water.


It (Dutch elm disease) is a fungus disease; the organism invades the water-conducting vessels of the tree, spreads by spores carried in the flow of sap, and by its poisonous secretions as well as by mechanical clogging causes the branches to wilt and the tree to die.


All specimens sent to the Fish and Wildlife Service for analysis were found to contain insecticides in amounts sufficient to cause their death.


The O2 plasma ashing reacts selectively with the organic insulative material causing the formation of the recess primarily in the insulative material.


During metal CMP, the additional time needed to remove the excess metal overburden on the overplated smaller features causes dishing of the larger features.

なお、cause をその名詞形と関連づけて"〜の原因となる "と訳す人が時々見られますが、不定詞が後にくる場合は「〜させる」、名詞を目的語に取る場合は「 〜を引き起こす」の方が使い勝手がよいと思います。

make, cause 以外の動詞は、それぞれ独自のニュアンスが伴いますので、場合によっては訳し分けます。


Livestock ordinarily avoid this plant (ragwort) unless forced to turn to it in late winter and early spring by lack of other forage.


Provision is made to secure a good circulation of water in these boilers by means of the baffle-plates which compel the water to flow as indicated by the arrows.


The impulses induce the probe tip to be displaced by less than 1mm, preferably less than 0.5mm.
このインパルスが、プローブ・チップを1 mm未満、好ましくは0.5 mm未満だけ変位させる。


Pro-militant political leaders urged Muslim countries to enforce economic blockade on India for the Ayodhya incidents.



The "agricultural engineers" speak blithely of "chemical ploughing" in a world that is urged to beat its ploughshares into spray guns.


For the first time in the history of the world, every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from the moment of conception until death.

subject は、嫌な目に遭わせるという意味です。

make〜 形容詞は「〜を...にする」という意味なのは高校生でも知っているはずですが、気づかずに"...な〜を作る"とやってしまう場合が結構見られます。


These creatures (the cat, the rabbit, the horned lark) are innocent of any harm to man. Indeed, by their very existences they and their fellows make his life more pleasant.


The positioning of the catheter is made much more accurate with the rotating tracking method.

force, urge, induce などは一般動詞としても使役動詞としても用いられますが、どちらか一方の意味しか知らず誤訳してしまう例がよく見られます。


forcing the solid particles into the internal cavity where they are securely retained


the separation roller and the feed roller are urged against the same pick roller.

なお、urge は「強く主張する」という意味があり、against が付くと、反対の立場を押し通すという意味になります。


We have in this chapter discussed some of the difficulties and objections which may be urged against my theory.

enforce は一般動詞ですが、形だけ見て辞書を引かずに使役動詞と誤解する人がよくいます。


All applications must enforce access control on document retrieval. Some applications must also enforce access control on document search, particularly in situations where users have no means to determine which documents they have been granted access, except through the application server of the repository.


A system that enforces immutability of access control on both document search and retrieval is the of our concurrently filed application.


have+目的語+原形動詞は「〜に...してもらう」「させる」の意味です。get も同様の意味ですが、to 不定詞を取ります。


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